Layer Properties

You can view and edit layer properties in GeoExplorer.


The properties of layers based on third party data, such as Google, cannot be viewed or edited.

To access the Layer Properties panel, click a layer in the Layers panel, then click Layer Properties lyrprops on the Layer panel toolbar. Alternatively, right-click the layer and click Layer Properties in the shortcut menu.


Layer Properties tool

There are three tabs in the Layer Properties panel:

Name Description
About Displays layer metadata
Display Options for customizing layer display
Available Styles Option for choosing a layer style

About tab

The About tab displays layer metadata and includes:

Field Description Editable?
Title Human-readable title of the layer Yes
Name Internal name for the layer No
Description Descriptive summary of the layer. Also known as the Abstract. Yes

Layer metadata properties

Display tab

The Display tab provides options for customizing the display of layers in GeoExplorer.

Field Description
Opacity Determines the level of transparency for the layer. Default is 100% opaque. You can adjust opacity by dragging the slider bar.
Determines the format of the displayed images. The following formats are available:
  • image/png (24-bit PNG) (Default)
  • image/gif (GIF)
  • image/gif;subtype=animated (animated GIF - this option is only suitable if your layer’s data has a temporal dimension)
  • image/jpeg (JPEG)
  • image/png8 (8-bit PNG)
  • image/png; mode=8bit (8-bit PNG)
Transparent Sets transparency for a given layer (boolean value). Default is selected. If this check box is cleared, the layer displays like a Base Map, obscuring any layers drawn beneath it. See the Layer order section for more information on how layers are drawn.
Cache Use cached version of layer (via the integrated GeoWebCache in GeoServer). Default is selected. Clear check box if you don’t want to use the cached version.
Info format
Determines the format for reporting feature information with the Identify tool. The following options are available:
  • text/plain (text)
  • application/vnd.ogc.gml (GML v. 2.1.2)
  • application/vnd.ogc.gml/3.1.1 (GML v. 3.1.1)
  • text/html (HTML)
Limit with filters (optional)
Selective display of layer features based on two filter options:
  • By condition (Default)—Filter based on layer attributes
  • By CQL filter—Filter based on simple CQL queries
Limit by scale (optional)
Apply scale dependency to the selected layer. The two scale settings are:
  • Min scale—Layer will not be displayed if the Map Window scale is less than this value
  • Max scale—Layer will not be displayed if the Map Window scale exceeds this value

Layer display properties

Styles tab

The Styles tab provides access to the Styles editor. This editor allows you to view, add, edit, and delete styles and individual style rules for layers published by a WMS server adopting the SLD standard. Editing styles is only available for layers in the Overlays folder.


Layer style properties

Please refer to Layer Styles for more information on styling.


Since editing and deleting styles requires authentication, you must be logged into GeoServer. If you are not connected to GeoServer, the Styles editor will be read-only.