Seed Pages

For each layer known to GeoWebCache, there is a corresponding Seed page allowing to start or manage seed tasks. These pages are front-ends for the REST API.

The URL format for the Seed pages is:


Starting a seed task

The interface can start one of the three Operations: seed, reseed, or truncate.

To create a new seed task, fill out the form with the following information:

Field Description
Number of threads to use This refers to processor management of the task. A good rule of thumb is to set this value to two times (2x) the number of cores in your system.
Type of operation This is one of the seed, reseed, or truncate operations described above.
Grid set The name of the any valid grid set <concepts.gridsets> as defined for a given layer.
Format Any valid image format as defined for that layer.
Zoom start The starting/minimum zoom level for the seed task. Zoom level 00 is typically the first (smallest) zoom level.
Zoom stop The final/maximum zoom level for the seed task.
Bounding box An optional subset of the layer’s maximum extent, useful for seeding only certain (more important) areas. Values are given in the units of the grid set. If ommitted, the layer’s maximum exten will be assumed.

When ready to start the task, click Submit.


Some seed tasks can take a very long time, and can easily fill up your disk.

Managing a seed task

When a seed task is ongoing, returning to the layer’s Seed page will display the current status of the task, including projected duration and number of tiles, with details for each thread (if more than one). Threads can be terminated by clicking the Kill Thread button next to the thread status.